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Helping people help themselves


Öl Havarie Kit

Lütfen bir model seçin

Ürün tablosunu göster



Kullanım Alanı
  • Endüstri 
  • Schifffahrt 
  • Häfen 
  • Produktion 
  • Transport 
  • Logistik 
  • Bau- und Landwirtschaft 
  • Öffentliche Gewässer 
  • Öl- und Gasindustrie 
  • sofort einsatzbereit 
  • hergestellt aus umweltfreundlichen Materialien 
  • hohe Absorptionskapazität 
  • mobil und vielseitig einsetzbar 
Customs tariff number
  • 42022290 

Ürün açıklaması

The practical backpack contains everything needed for the quick and safe removal of leaking hydraulic and engine oil.
The kit was put together by experienced HANSA-FLEX service technicians and is optimally adapted to the requirements of industry, construction and agriculture.
Teslimat kapsamı
Oil binding mats (10 pieces), socks (2 pieces, each 120 cm), oil binding agent made from natural fibers (2 l), hydraulic work gloves, rubbish bags

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